Platinum® Next-Generation Protein Sequencer™



The End-to-End Solution for Deeper Insights

Platinum offers a straightforward workflow in a space-saving benchtop instrument with the power to precisely detect protein variants and modifications.

Our end-to-end solution includes everything you need to prepare libraries, sequence proteins, and analyze results. Every lab can quickly and accurately identify proteins with a simple workflow that makes data interpretation and discovery accessible.


  • Fits into your workflow
  • Less than 3h hands-on time
  • Easy to share data globally
  • Experience new releases and enhancement


  • Benchtop
  • Cost-effective
  • No dedicated lab space needed
  • No expertise required


  • Single-molecule amino acid resolution
  • Interrogate proteoforms and modifications
  • Direct protein detection method

Simplify Your Proteomics Workflow

The cost and complexity of traditional protein sequencing methods can present barriers to obtaining critical proteomics data. With Platinum, you can conduct protein sequencing experiments in your lab, at your bench.

Prepare Proteins for Single-Molecule Sequencing on Semiconductor Chips

Everything you need for ready-to-sequence libraries in less than three hours of hands-on time.


Library Preparation Kits digest proteins into peptides and functionalize peptides ready for sequencing.

Protein Sequencing Kits contain ready to sequence chips, recognizers, and aminopeptidases.


Sequence Proteins with Single Amino Acid Resolution on Platinum®

The Platinum instrument fits on your benchtop and seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow, enabling protein sequencing right after sample preparation and chip loading.

Equipped with a user-friendly interface, Platinum allows you to easily start your protein sequencing run following a few prompts. Sequencing data is generated and can be automatically transferred to the Platinum Analysis Software for analysis.


Platinum® benchtop protein sequencer


Analyze Protein Sequencing Data with Ease

Platinum Analysis Software easily integrates with the Platinum instrument so you can plan, set up, and analyze sequencing runs within a single, intuitive software environment.

Data generated during each run can be automatically uploaded to the analysis software where proteins are identified without the need for bioinformatics expertise. The analysis software is securely accessible from any computer, supporting analysis from any location and facilitating collaboration with global colleagues and partners.


Platinum Analysis Software



Next-generation DNA sequencing greatly advanced our understanding of biology and genes’ influence on biological function. Next-Generation Protein Sequencing answers critical questions about what is happening in the body now.

  • Is a specific protein there or not?
  • Which proteins are important?
  • Why are they important?
  • How do proteins change in disease?

With Platinum®, you can answer these critical questions quickly, right in your own lab.

How It Works


Library Preparation and Sequencing Kits contain everything you need, including reagents to digest and functionalize proteins and immobilize peptides on semiconductor chips, along with aminopeptidases and recognizers to commence the sequencing process.


Platinum sequences individual peptides by capturing the fluorescent signal from each N-terminal amino acid (NAA) binding event. Aminopeptidases cleave each N-terminal amino acid, exposing the next N-terminal amino acid for recognition, and the process repeats until the whole peptide is sequenced.


Data generated during each run is automatically uploaded to the Platinum Analysis Software. Our analysis software delivers single molecule level information about your proteins making protein identification easy to interpret without the need for bioinformatics expertise.

Kinetic Signatures

Accelerating the Path to Discovery

A kinetic signature comprises the measurable characteristics of the series of dynamic recognizer events that uniquely identifies a peptide. Kinetic signatures change dynamically with alterations in amino acid and post-translational modifications (PTMs), providing a reliable means to accurately align peptides to their respective proteins. Unlike other technologies, kinetic signatures offer a robust and confident approach to this alignment.

As Next-Generation Protein Sequencing becomes more widespread, kinetic signatures will be crucial to identifying every amino acid and every PTM, making Quantum-Si’s technology key to advancing our understanding of the proteome.

Platinum Differs from Mass Spectrometry

Platinum is designed to fit the space, budget, and existing expertise of most labs interested in generating insights from protein sequencing data. Our technology identifies proteins using unique Kinetic Signatures based on the binding kinetics of amino acid recognition events. In contrast, mass spectrometry infers protein identification based on the mass:charge ratio which may not distinguish protein variants of similar size.

The Platinum Next-Generation Protein Sequencing workflow is easy to implement and delivers answers quickly – right in your lab without the need for bioinformatics expertise.

Compare Platinum to Mass Spec

Platinum Differs from Immunoassays

Next-Generation Protein Sequencing provides deeper insights with single-molecule resolution that, unlike immunoassays, enables assessment of what is actually happening at the amino acid level.

  • Verify the specificity of your antibodies by sequencing the target protein.
  • Sequence the protein band from your gel.
  • Uncover what is there, not just what could be there.
  • Interrogate protein variants not resolved by antibodies.

Sequence Proteins from Gels

Platinum Differs from Edman Degradation

Platinum Next-Generation Protein Sequencing leverages a one-pot reaction without complex and expensive cyclical chemistry and fluidics to achieve single amino acid resolution. With Platinum technology, you benefit from:

  • Deeper protein sequencing discoveries.
  • Easy protein sequencing workflows.
  • Affordable protein sequencing solutions.

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