SIRV-Set 2 (Iso Mix E0)


Size: 1 vial


ATTENTION: All SIRV-Sets are currently shipped on dry ice and should be stored at, or below, -20°C upon arrival. No resolubilization is required. Please see User Guide for detailed information on changed shipment, storage, and usage conditions.

The Spike-In RNA Variants (SIRVs) are sets of transcript designed to validate and control the performance of RNA sequencing workflows, especially how bioinformatics algorithms correct biases introduced by library preparation and sequencing. This SIRV-Set 2 contains only SIRV isoform mix E0, with all 69 isoforms at equimolar concentration. The spike-ins can be used with different RNA inputs (total RNA, poly(A) selected RNA, or rRNA-depleted RNA), library preparation methods and sequencing platforms.


Features and Application:

  • Comprehensively reflects variations of alternative splicing, alternative transcription start- and end-sites, overlapping genes, and antisense transcripts
  • Efficient evaluation of isoform-specific workflows
  • Tunable to the concentration window of interest, applicable to pipelines with low read-depth
  • Validation and control of mRNA quantification workflows
  • Evaluation of experiment concordance to assess the comparability of data sets


Kit Contents:

  • The kit contains 1, or 3, tube(s) with SIRV mix E0 with 69 isoform transcripts at equimolar concentration. The dried content of each tube has to be reconstituted in water, and is sufficient to spike at least 9 times dozens to hundreds of RNA-Seq samples (or millions of single-cell RNA-seq samples).
  • Molecular-biology grade water for reconstitution and dilution of the RNA.


System Compatibility:
Compatible with almost all RNA-Seq protocols, including polyA-selective methods (only excluding Cap-specific preparations).



Application Notes


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